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Michelle Illg

Class of 2005


(732)688-7942 (mobile)

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About Me

I grew up on Lake Avenue in Clark and am currently still living in my childhood home, but hoping to move out of state within a year or two. I've also got a "vacation home" up in rural Lake Como, PA. I attended Union County College in Cranford and Kean University in Union, graduating with honors and a January 2012 Bachelors degree in Communications, Media & Film, plus a minor in Recreation Administration. I am planning to take one more course at Kean next spring so that I can participate in the Disney College Program (a combination internship and job) in Orlando, FL or Anaheim, CA. Ultimately I would like to work in the entertainment business and write on the side, but I have numerous options open. I work part-time as a bookkeeper for the family business (in two-way radio repair) and am a Notary Public for the state of New Jersey. I've also been helping out with some local film and video projects and local TV broadcasting. My pets include a Beagle named Jack (technically Jack III, although I never knew Jack I), a Brittany named Rusty ("Rustopher Bones"), a leopard gecko named Leo, and the two who are fully "mine"--a betta named Karl and a Saluki named Tallulah Inga Ilsa Tara Lucille, aka Copper Crest Lady in name Ulla. She is an AKC Champion, but first and foremost my "dogter" and best pal. ;) Since our graduation I've done some very exciting traveling, seen my two younger brothers graduate from the same high school and follow me to the same first college, learned how to SCUBA dive, worked at the Westfield Memorial Library, and had many other fun, interesting, and enriching experiences. I have many ideas and plans for the future. There are far too many memories to list here, so let's just say that I will look forward to the first ALJ Class of '05 reunion, and you may check out my links for more information.~written in 2012

Employer Information

Mobile Techtronics, Inc.
Administrative and Support Services

96 Academy Street
Belleville, NJ  07109